Monday, February 14, 2011

things that i enjoy:

oh man. where to start...

numero uno today is being smarter than other people. or at least being able to articulate things in words that make sense. like big words. 

people like to think that they are sounding smart and will throw out a polysyllabic word and have no real understanding of the word. 

for example: a word that means "opposite of the masses" and then the retort is "well, it's toward individuals"


in their confusion of the english language, i'm left trying to understand the thought process that they initiated but it's an effort in futility. i like big words. i like it even more when they're used coherently.

it's like trying to use a video game cheat code for the wrong game or the wrong key for the wrong door. shit just doesn't make sense. 

if you're going to use big words and try to play with the grown ups, at least understand the word that you're trying to pwn me with, otherwise, i'll start using even bigger words and you'll get frustrated and go pout.

this lesson of the day brought to you by the letter "v"...for vocabulary.

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