Sunday, September 12, 2010

Why this blog exists.

I love food. Period. Food (and booze) is the reason for my gut. Some wouldn't call it a gut. I call it a gut and I don't like it.

I'm 3 days shy of 26 and I know that thinking that I could still look like 16 year old me is completely ludicrous, but is it so bad to want to look good in clothes (and out of them for that matter)? 

Being the pesce variety of vegetarian throws another curve into the mix. How do you get protein and eat food that tastes good, but isn't total shit when it goes through your gullet? (Also, I AM NOT one of those veggie types who will pick pepperoni off of pizza or turkey off of subs and I am also not the type of veggie who lives on pasta and carrots alone. That's bird food.)

Then I look at my roommate who is hands down, a certified granola guy. He makes his own trail mix, has all of his veggies pre-cut in tupperware in the fridge the week before and he drinks a chocolate protein shake every morning out of his cute little sippy sports bottle. I also refuse to be one of those eaters who only eats for nutrition and the food lacks any taste or flavor. No thanks. I'd rather not eat. 

In about a month, I'm going to Miami with one of my good friends (and first friends) from college. She looks smoking hot pretty much all of the time. (Manhattan will do that to a girl..) And my goal for the next month (and beyond) is to lose about 10 lbs  by the time my trip rolls around (not achieved solely by dieting, but also a regular and rigorous gym regimen) and be eating better and more regularly. 

This blog is going to be almost my confessional for the days I skip the gym, have too many snacks, drink a soda, etc. It's going to be my proof that I can either do this or stay plump trying. (I'm hoping for the former.) It's going to increase my accountability and be a distraction for me from running across the street for a footlong instead of munching on some nuts. 

Healthy suggestions that don't suck are always welcome as well as some moral and emotional encouragement...especially when I am tempted to skip the gym.


  1. You are going to do awesome!! My biggest thing is how much I is so hard to quit!


  2. You are gorgeous the way you are but if you aren't happy then go ahead and make the changes needed to be happy! I still miss you!
