Sunday, January 16, 2011

epic might be an understatement.

first official weekend after the bowls, which means that i have a life again. went to the gym on wednesday for yoga. today is sunday and i finally stopped being sore. friday, went thrifting with a friend from work and picked up a few things, saturday, i had intended to go to the gym and run, but sleep was more important to my body i guess. i got my hair cut (which i desperately needed) and geared up for what was indeed, a ridiculous night. 

every once and a while, i'm reminded how lucky i have really amazing friends. one of my very good friends is joining me in the land of 26, so i put on some real pants, makeup and half suited up (aka, just the blazer). it's not every day that people can get me out of the house for something that a. starts at 9:30pm, b. keeps me out of the house until 4:30am, and c. requires me to not lose my cool at someone...but that's another story. 

several good beers later with the group down to 5 (4 of them being dudes)...the strip club seems like a great idea. which it always is in theory, but with the tuesday morning crew on a saturday night...not good. but still, it was a pretty good time and i got home way too late and needed a 4 hour nap today to feel human.

i really wish that i could put into words the combination of emotions i have going on in my mind right now, but i really can't. or i could, but it wouldn't be poetic and eloquent or poignant..and i'm sure, as always someone would take it the wrong way. i dunno. i could sit with this window up for days before i could come up with the right words to express my feelings.

today was pretty productive though. one last load of laundry is in the dryer, i took out the 3 bags of trash, the 4 boxes from christmas gifts, 6 empty wine bottles, all from my room and i cleaned out my car. i guess i'll save the wash for another day or find someone to do it for me. i had a kickass salad for dinner and have been considering a glass of wine, but i really just want to finish this episode of desperate housewives and do some reading.

back to the gym tomorrow.


  1. this is your journal. say what you want. it by no means has to be poetic. you'll be glad you did.

  2. it's mostly just feelings that i can't quite put into words. it's just this *feeling*. :)
